
interface CallableValue : Value

A Value that can be called.



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interface Executor

An executor for a CallableValue. To help with sandboxing, the executor may take multiple steps to execute the function.


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abstract val arity: Arity

The arity of the function.

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abstract var metatable: Value.Table?

The metatable of this value.


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inline fun <T> Value.asObj(): T

If this is a Value.Native, returns the native object, otherwise throws an error.

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Converts this value to a kotlin.Boolean, or throws an error if it cannot be converted.

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Converts this value to a Value.Bytes, or throws an error if it cannot be converted.

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abstract fun call(nargs: Int): CallableValue.Executor

Calls the function with the given number of arguments and creates an executor for it.

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inline fun <T : Value> Value.convertTo(): T

Converts this value to a T, or throws an error if it cannot be converted.

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Converts this value to a Double, or throws an error if it cannot be converted.

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Converts this value to a Int, or throws an error if it cannot be converted.

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Converts this value to a Value.List, or throws an error if it cannot be converted.

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fun Value.lookUp(key: Value): Value?

Look up a value in this value, possibly using the metatable.

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open fun lookUpDirect(key: Value): Value?

Look up a value in this value.

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fun Value.lookUpHierarchy(vararg keys: String): Value?

Look up a successive sequence of strings in this value.

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If this value is null, return Value.Null, otherwise return this value.

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fun Value.set(key: Value, value: Value): Boolean

Sets a value in this value, possibly using the metatable.

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open fun setDirect(key: Value, value: Value): Boolean

Set a value in this value.

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fun Value.setOrError(key: Value, value: Value)

Sets a value in this value, or throws an error if it cannot be set.

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Converts this value to a String, or throws an error if it cannot be converted.

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Converts this value to a Value.Table, or throws an error if it cannot be converted.