The table module

The table module provides the metatable for the table type. It contains various functions for manipulating tables.

Member functions

clone(self): table

Returns a shallow copy of the table self.

getOrDefault(self, key: any, default: any): any

Returns the value of the key key in the table self. If the key does not exist, returns default.

merge(self, other: table): null

Merges the table other into self. If a key exists in both tables, the value from other is used.

keys(self): list

Returns a list of all keys in the table.

remove(self, key: any): null

Removes the key key from the table self and returns the value mapped to it. If the key does not exist, raises KeyError.

size(self): number

Returns the number of keys in the table.

values(self): list

Returns a list of all values in the table.


__contains__(self, key: any): boolean

Returns true if the key key exists in the table self, false otherwise.

__index__(self, key: any): any

Returns the value of the key key in the table self. If the key does not exist, raises KeyError.

__plus__(self, other: table): table

Returns a new table containing the contents of self and other. If a key exists in both tables, the value from other is used.

__set__(self, key: any, value: any): null

Sets the value of the key key in the table self to value.