The list
The list
module is a collection of functions that operate on lists. It is also the metatable for lists.
Free functions
new(capacity: number): list
Creates a new list with the given capacity. If the capacity is not given, it defaults to an implementation-defined value.
Member functions
append(self, value: any): null
Appends the given value to the list.
clear(self): null
Removes all elements from the list.
clone(self): list
Creates a new list with the same elements as the given list.
extend(self, other: iterable): null
Appends the elements of the given iterable to the list.
flatten(self): list
Returns a new list containing the elements of the given list and all sub-iterables.
join(self, sep: string): string
Returns a string containing the elements of the list separated by the given separator.
pop(self): any
Removes and returns the last element of the list.
remove(self, value: any): null
Removes the first occurrence of the given value from the list.
removeAt(self, index: number): any
Removes the element at the given index from the list and returns it.
reversed(self): list
Returns a new list with the elements of the given list in reverse order.
size(self): number
Returns the number of elements in the list.
slice(self, start: number, end: number): list
Returns a new list containing the elements from start
to end
sort(self, cmp: callable[any, any → int] = cmp): null
Sorts the list in-place using the given comparison function. If no comparison function is given, the default comparison function is used. The comparison function should return a negative number if the first argument is less than the second, a positive number if the first argument is greater than the second, and zero if the arguments are equal.
sorted(self, cmp: callable[any, any → int] = cmp): list
Returns a new list containing the elements of the given list sorted using the given comparison function. The comparison function is the same as for sort
__contains__(self, value: any): boolean
Returns whether the given value is in the list.
__index__(self, key: number): any
Returns the element at the given index.
__iter__(self): any
Returns an iterator over the elements of the list.
__plus__(self, other: list | any): list
Returns a new list containing the elements of the given list followed by the elements of the other list or the given value.
__set__(self, key: number, value: any): null
Sets the element at the given index to the given value.